Letter from a parent

As my husband and I are the hearing parents of a child who is Deaf and because our family lives in a rural community, I appreciate identifying children’s events available on a virtual basis and in a format accessible to our daughter. Finding (or advocating for) such language-development, social, and educational opportunities has become a priority for me and a meaningful experience for each member of our family. 

While all such events have played an important role in our daughter’s development, few have captured her interest or engaged her in the way that Friday’s event featuring Crom Saunders has. I realize that employees of Gallaudet University recognize the importance and value of Deaf mentoring, but I’d like to relay my thanks for their work in such efforts so that they know on an increasing basis how much other people appreciate it, too. 

My family and I look forward to participating in additional events through the Center in the future; in the meantime, I send heartfelt thanks for the meaningful experience we participated in this weekend.

Melissa B., parent
Crom performs at Arlington Heights Library

What other people are saying

“The storyteller was fantastic. Such a great learning experience.”

“My favorite part of the program was how he showed emotion. He made it feel really cool and fun! I just started learning ASL a month ago and it was fun to attend to this event!”

“Loved the games. Thank you so much for your time and effort putting this together!”

“I just watched the virtual Calvin Can’t Fly. It was amazing! I could not stop smiling and getting happy shivers. You all did such a good job!”

“The story was great, but I really enjoyed the extended activities based on the story. Please make more of these fantastic ASL Story times. They’re great for all children and adults. They also help those of us learning ASL, to see how to tell a story, but also increase our ASL vocabulary.”

“THANK YOU SO MUCH for making this program available to families and those who work with D/HH children so we can further our education, deepen our sign vocabulary, and make our interpreting more creative, clear and fun! This was a fantastic presentation!! Thank you!!!”

“This was a fun event! My deaf son loved watching the story live in his native language. Thank you for the opportunity.”

“What could be better than a bird whose favorite place is the library and who wants to read all the time (not to mention that his knowledge from reading saves everyone!). It’s great you give kids an opportunity to learn some signs and hear part of the story again to help learn them. I loved watching the kids’ faces on Zoom as they watched the story being told in the first part and then as they were trying to do the signs along with the video.  You should be very proud of yourself for creating this.”

“The entire event was awesome. Our entire family enjoyed the event as Crom was engaging. My HOH son was actually paying attention. It was an amazing event. Thank you.”

… what will you say?